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How to get dressed for Reindeer Herder´s Day


You will travel to the reindeer herd in a sledge pulled by a snowmobile. You will snuggle on warm reindeer skins and under blankets, but the draft is still cold. The sledge ride will last 10-30 minutes depending on the location of the reindeer.


The temperature can vary from around zero to really cold temperatures like -30 °C. The colder it is the more layers of clothing you will need.  We will equip you with overalls, helmets, boots, woolen mittens and socks. You should take care of the layers under the overall you self. 


This page should help You to get dressed the right way for the experience of the Reindeer Herder´s Day. Once You are warm and comfortable You´ll get the most out of the journey. If there are any further question, please don´t hesitate to contact us.



sledge ride in winter
Sledge ride at reindeer farm petri mattus
These are the layers You need to wear when You arrive to the Reindeer Farm
1st layer of clothes
2nd layers of clothes
3rd layer of clothes

1st layer 

Long sleeved and long-legged underwear. Technical underwear is a good choice. Technical socks are the best for the first pair.


2nd layer 

Another layer of long sleeved and long-legged clothes. A fleece/woolen outfit or sweatpants and a woolen sweater are good.

An other pair of socks.


3rd layer 

Your own jacket. A down jacket is the best. 

Because You will wear our overalls on the top of Your  own clothes,  a long jacket is not the

best choice.


Hat  and scarf

You will also need a hat and a scarf.

hat and a scarf
These are the clothes we borrow You for the visit
Clothes from Reindeerfarm Petri Mattus.j
Boots and helmut Reindeerfarm Petri Matt

Mittens, socks and overalls


We will dress You in woolen mittens and a pair of leather mittens. You will also get overalls for You excursion.


Boots, helmet and balaclava


You will get winter boots for Your feet.


For Your safety You will wear helmet and balaclava underneath the helmet.


Please, note that we can not guarantee perfect fit of the clothing.

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Reservations required


email: petri.mattus(at)

tel: +358 (0)400 193 950

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